Yes Morocco is safe for solo travelers, traveling Morocco alone is safe. Well, as safe as anything is these days. Of course, traveling—anywhere, with anyone, in any gender presentation—never offers the same safety guarantees as, say, riding a Disneyland roller coaster or working in a unionized industry.

Road conditions are generally safe for travel, and violent crime is much less common in Morocco than, for example, the United States. Theft does occur, and if you cannot negotiate in one of the three local languages (Arabic, French, or Tamazight), you are likely to be overcharged when shopping in the souq (market) or taking taxis around town. The “Tourist Police” is a Moroccan security force dedicated to ensuring the safety of foreign visitors, which is who you should contact if you fall victim to a crime.

Morocco is a mixed bag of cultures and landscapes, and you’re going to want to discover every part of it. If you are a nature lover, head north to see Chefchaouen and Asilah, or take the road down south to catch the waves in Agadir and Essaouira. For a taste of urban life, Marrakech is sure to overwhelm and delight, and also serves as a great launching point to the Sahara Desert.

Assuming you don’t have unlimited time, planning is critical to making the most of your time traveling alone in Morocco. Make a list of the destinations you’re dying to see (and local delicacies you’re dying to eat, of course!), and try plotting them on a map to optimize your route.

Morocco safe for solo travelers?

Morocco is generally considered safe for solo travelers, and many people visit the country without encountering any major issues. However, as with traveling to any destination, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and take certain precautions to ensure your safety. Here are some tips for solo travelers in Morocco.