Weather in Morocco.

Check the weather in Morocco before traveling.

Traveling to the beach or mountain? Morocco is a relatively large country with a very diverse climate, which oscillates between the desert climate in the south, the Mediterranean in the north and the west coast. If you travel south in spring and autumn, you can enjoy plenty of sunny days and little rain. In summer, the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts are always a good option to enjoy the beaches and lively atmosphere. Winter weather in Morocco, temperatures are warm, although they drop more in mountain areas, and it can snow at higher altitudes. Enjoy skiing in the Middle Atlas.

If you are going to travel to Morocco, we recommend that you check the temperatures in each season.
Morocco has a high number of sunny days for most of the year.
Spring is usually milder and more pleasant, while in winter temperatures are usually lower.
In spring, temperatures in Agadir and Marrakesh vary between 23 and 26 °C.
Summer high temperatures are more moderate on the coast, thanks to the sea breeze.
If you travel to the High Atlas in summer, temperatures will be high. Remember to bring a hat, sunscreen and fluids to stay hydrated.
In autumn, there is still good weather to enjoy the magnificent Moroccan coasts.
In winter you can choose between skiing in the Middle Atlas or swimming in areas such as Agadir.
In winter the climate is mild, with the exception of the mountains.
In the pre-Saharan and Saharan regions temperatures are extreme, with cold winters and hot summers.
In the Atlantic region, summers are hot and winters are mild.